
Kling family with their new home
Finding A Home: Kling, family put down roots at 曼彻斯特


Kevin Kling’s long days start early. 

As a 十大网赌正规网址 custodian, he helps take care of the Physical Education 和 Recreation Center, 在其他领域, preparing the campus for each new day. While his job is usually done at 3 p.m., Kling’s daily duties don’t stop there.

The 2001 Indiana State University graduate is also working on a teacher’s license at MU while being a single father to three children.

It’s a rugged schedule that Kling maintains with “plenty of caffeine 和 5-Hour Energy drinks.“但这是值得的, 他说, because his children have found a home in the North 曼彻斯特 community 和 a second family with the people of the University.

Their home situation has done what Kling calls “a complete 360” since last year. After living in a rental house 和 then with his parents for a time, he moved the family into an apartment complex. It was crowded, so Kling checked out the Habitat for Humanity process. 

“We’ve been (in the North 曼彻斯特 area) for the past four years 但 haven’t ever really had a place to call home,他说. “We were literally stacked on top of each other” in the two-bedroom apartment with three children, which includes Kling’s oldest son Micah, who uses a prosthetic right leg due to a birth defect.

Habitat for Humanity “has been incredible,” Kling added. “They met with us early on 和 could see the situation we were in, so we qualified for a new home. It’s been in the building process since September.”

A new residence on Fourth Street isn’t the only thing developing.  

“Along with two student groups, 我们有棒球, 垒球, 摔跤, 足球, football 和 women’s basketball teams helping us out” with the home’s construction, 他说. “If it wasn’t for what they’ve done, we wouldn’t be nearly finished,克林说。 in late January.

Some major parts of the house were done before the students pitched in, said Kling. “However, 足球 built framing 和 put up walls. Women’s basketball did drywall 和 siding. Football did heavier lifting 和 so forth. Softball helped with roofing 和 siding.”

Other MU students pitched in on the project as well.

Help, in fact, came from everywhere. The Office of University Advancement staff chose the Klings as their “Christmas 家庭” 和 purchased kitchen 和 bath towels, 床上的枕头, 餐具, 银器, 厨房的眼镜, 一套菜, 通用工具集, 一个小微波炉, 咖啡壶, a large crock pot 和 a gift for each child. 

 “We’ve had students stop over 和 check in on us, 和, 和我在学校的工作有关, I run into a lot of those same people 和 get a chance to talk them,克林说。.

The feelings are mutual for the student-athletes.

“You could tell it meant so much that we were there,詹妮弗·李说, a senior on MU’s women’s basketball team. “It was a lot of work, 但 it was great. Most colleges wouldn’t give you this chance unless it was in a major, 但, 在十大网赌正规网址, you have these opportunities in extra-curricular activities.”

The 垒球 team “had been looking for chances to get involved with the community,马洛里·詹宁斯补充道, 初级垒球运动员. “幸运的是, some of the team members had seen posters around campus talking about this Habitat for Humanity project. We thought it’d be great to assist building a home” for an MU employee. “It was a good experience for the team. Most of us had never done anything like this before.”

“It was a process 但 well worth it,” agreed Jared Bourff, a junior on the Spartan football team. “最初, we didn’t know the story behind the house we were working on, 但 getting to know (Kevin) 和 his family was the best part. He told us his story, 和 we understood how important (the project) was.”

“I still talk to Kevin whenever I see him,贾里德补充道。, “so it wasn’t just about the community service side 但 developing another friendship.”

The family moved into their new home in February. “People don’t realize what the campus 和 University mean to me,” said Kling. “Megan (Flinn), my boss, has worked my schedule around,他说.  Even MU President Dave McFadden has stopped by 和 asked Kling how things are going.

“My life has done a complete 360,” Kling adds, “和 a lot of it is due to 十大网赌正规网址.”



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十大网赌正规网址, with campuses in North 曼彻斯特 和 Fort 韦恩, Ind., offers more than 60 areas of academic study to 1,600 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Athletic Training, a Master of Pharmacogenomics 和 a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy.  Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at www.曼彻斯特.edu.
