
曼彻斯特 first-generation scholarship winner Allred is ‘Realizing the Dream’

伊丽莎白·奥尔雷德伊丽莎白·奥尔雷德 is the first person in her family to attend college. Adopted by her grandparents when she was 13, the 十大网赌正规网址 social work major from Huntington, 印第安纳州., was recently honored with a “Realizing the Dream” award by the 印第安纳州ependent 大学 of 印第安纳州iana (ICI).
每位获奖者将获得3美元奖金,我得到了ICI的资助,帮助我支付大学费用, and each of them in turn selects a "most influential" teacher or mentor to receive a $1,专业发展补助金. 

在奥尔雷德的案例中, that teacher is Huntington North High School’s Paige Humphries, 一个关心学术的人, but cares even more about the individual students. That care involved a word after class, a kind question when someone was having a bad day.

That day for Allred was her 18th birthday. Humphries noticed she was down, pulled her aside and asked how she was doing. Allred walked into class the next day to homemade cake, games and karaoke. 

Personal connections like this also drew Allred to 曼彻斯特.

When Allred was getting ready for college, she wanted to be near her grandparents. She had always known she wanted to help people, and social work finally bubbled to the top as a career.

During her three college visits, only the 曼彻斯特 social work program “felt like home.” 

“It was the only department I really got attached to after visiting and sitting in on the classes,”她说。. Accustomed to small-town life, she was also drawn to what she describes as the “quaint campus.”

艾丽西亚Dailey一路走来, Allred has found many caring faculty members, and she has developed a close bond with her academic adviser, 助理教授艾丽西亚·戴利.

“她三年前才到这里, so it’s been nice to learn together through the process, to see both of us learn how to grasp certain areas,奥尔雷德说. 例如, they both found the process of doing online enrolling for classes a challenge, 所以他们一起解决了这个问题.


他们也谈论他们的生活. 戴利在印第安纳波利斯长大. 作为受命的浸信会牧师, she seeks opportunities to integrate her faith with social work ethics and values. For Allred, remaining close to her grandparents is a priority.


“他们一直都在那里, 说, ‘嘿, 去上学, 在学校表现好, 继续前进, keep doing what you need to do so you can have that career you want,’”奥尔雷德说.

Her grandmother is a certified nursing assistant and her grandfather worked in a factory.

“My grandpa had to start at the bottom and work his way up to plant manager over 35 years. Anymore, those stories are hard to come by.”

They wanted her to start with a career she loved, and go on from there.

Once she got to 曼彻斯特, she was immediately asked to join the Social Service Club.

事实证明, 她成为了俱乐部主席, even though she really had no idea about how such clubs work. Whenever she had a question, she got help. 最后, the tiny club raised money for a Christmas Angel Tree and joined others in the North 曼彻斯特 community in welcoming a 

For the mom, the club pulled together basic kitchen items, bath salts and lotion. The little girl got a baby doll set, and the boy got a soccer ball. Afterward, the club joined with the children and other volunteers for a game of soccer.

Their translator was a 曼彻斯特 biology-chemistry major whose family is Guatemalan. She has since switched her major to social work.

Allred’s plans include pursuing a master’s degree. Recently engaged, she hopes to work part time during that process and build a life. She has been with her fiancée since the sixth grade, and he is at 曼彻斯特 majoring in professional sales and marketing.

The Realizing the Dream scholarship is provided for 30 first-generation college students each year from 印第安纳州iana’s private, nonprofit colleges and universities by the 印第安纳州ependent 大学 of 印第安纳州iana. 它由礼来捐赠基金公司(Lilly Endowment Inc .)资助. They were chosen for outstanding achievement in their first year. 

The Huntington North High School graduate’s leadership activities include being social work Class of 2022 representative, 社会服务俱乐部的主席, and being a member and secretary of the Student Senate. 

One-third of all students who enter 曼彻斯特 as undergraduates are first-generation students, something made possible in large part by 金融援助 given from the University combined with state and federal grants.


With campuses in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩, 印第安纳州., 十大网赌正规网址 offers more than 70 areas of academic study to 1,400名本科生,会计学硕士, a Master of Science in pharmacogenomics, a Master of Athletic Training a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy degree and a four-year dual degree in pharmacy and pharmacogenomics. Learn more about the private, northern 印第安纳州iana school at www.曼彻斯特.edu

十大网赌正规网址 respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, 富有成效的, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
