

大学校长与印第安纳州立大学会面, 城市和公民领袖参加反种族主义和社区安全虚拟峰会

马里昂,印第安纳州. (2020年7月10日) — The presidents of nine Indiana colleges and universities met virtually on Friday, 7月10日, 还有印第安纳州的几十个州, 城市和公民领袖要倾听, 讨论彼此的需要, and better understand how to advance the work of racial justice and transformation.

九位总统解释, “We lament the brutal deaths of innocent African-American men and women that have created such pain, 对我们的社区感到愤怒和沮丧.  We grieve over the violence and division that threaten to tear apart the social fabric of our communities and our nation.  作为有信仰的人, 以及以基督为中心的大学的领袖, we wish to come together to do all we can do to promote the well-being of the people and communities we serve.”

The two-hour conversation attended by 60 north-central Indiana leaders – including presidents; chancellors; state senators Andy Zay and Travis Holdman; representatives of Congressman Jim Banks and Congresswoman Susan Brooks; mayors; sheriffs; police chiefs, NAACP leaders; academic and other city and civic leaders – reiterated the importance of collective action to rid Indiana of the effects of systemic racism.

安德森大学校长约翰·皮斯托尔(安德森), 亨廷顿大学(Huntington University)校长Sherilyn Emberton, 格雷斯学院院长比尔·卡蒂普(威诺娜湖), 伯特利大学(米沙瓦卡)校长格雷格·切诺维斯, 泰勒大学(高地)临时校长佩吉·坎宁安, President Dave McFadden of 十大网赌正规网址 (North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩), 印第安纳理工大学(韦恩堡)校长卡尔·艾因夫, President Rebecca Stoltzfus of Goshen College (Goshen) and President David Wright of 印第安纳卫斯理大学 (IWU Marion) each invited members of their local communities to participate in this conversation.

Joining McFadden from 十大网赌正规网址 were 社会工作助理教授Alicia Dailey, 顾问主任玛拉·扬鲍尔, Assistant Director of Student Diversity and Inclusion Maegan Pollonais and Vice President for 学生生活 Abby Van Vlerah. 警察局长吉姆·柯克(Jim Kirk)在北曼彻斯特镇参加了抗议活动, Town Manager Adam Penrod and 社区 Foundation of Wabash County Executive Director Patty Grant.

Taylor’s Cunningham introduced a four-member panel of religious and academic leaders who spoke about the realities of living as African-American professionals in a racially unjust world.  小组成员分享了关于被排斥经历的见解, 对个人和家庭安全的担忧, and the need to address difficult issues through transformational conversations. They shared evidence from their communities of progress toward the goal of inclusion for all: More 听 is needed. More self-inspection with the willingness to move along in the process of conquering racism needs to take place.  需要建立更多的个人理解和承诺的桥梁. 

安德森的皮斯托尔引入了第二个面板, which consisted of law enforcement officials from the FBI and from Madison County.  基南, 负责联邦调查局印第安纳波利斯分局的特工, provided clarity on the FBI's mandate to address civil rights issues and provided data as to the number of hate crimes and color of law cases being reviewed at this time.

Local law enforcement leaders spoke candidly about the importance of providing better training for officers and accountability for supervisors, as well as the importance of continuing to support local law enforcement efforts as they work toward education and reform.  There were specific calls for empowered review boards and for meaningful reform of some police practices.  Efforts that have been made to have discussions with people in their local communities have proven to be very helpful for all.

作为执法改革小组的一员, 詹姆斯·伯吉斯, 安德森-麦迪逊全国有色人种协进会主席, provided powerful insights into the ways in which the NAACP and activist organizations are engaged in much-needed discussions of appropriate law enforcement reforms.  他强调NAACP不容忍暴力, nor is it interested in overthrowing existing government structures that serve local communities well. 他所做的, 然而, 强调继续努力进行警察改革的重要性, 降级的培训, a ban on knee-holds and the creation of citizen review boards with subpoena power to be present in all communities. 

最后, Grace’s Katip facilitated a conversation with individuals in specific communities where significant change has taken place.  Fort 韦恩 United Director Iric Headley shared the compelling results that have been achieved in the City of Fort 韦恩 over the last four years through intentional conversations, 通过小组会议建立关系, 社区论坛和种族对话. 通过这些城市管理的积极努力, 韦恩堡的严重伤害案件减少了66%, 手对拳头的争吵减少了56%, 入室盗窃案减少了33%, 汽车盗窃案减少28%, 枪击事件减少了63%, 这说明了对话的力量, 听, 建立关系和教育.

Goshen College’s Stoltzfus invited Goshen市长Jeremy Stutsman说 to share about a recent “no-tolerance for racism” resolution passed by their city.  就在20世纪70年代,歌申还被称为“日落之城”.”  The city leaders are proactively working to eradicate racism from their midst.  They serve as an example for other cities in taking an official anti-racism stance.

IWU的莱特, 活动主办单位, 总结这次峰会是这样的, “Today’s summit showed the rich resources of people and ideas available throughout Indiana to address the needed transformation of our communities as we work toward racial justice and reconciliation.  We look forward to working together to seize this moment for profound change in our communities.”



  • 乔安妮·巴恩斯, dean of the graduate school and professor with the Department of 领导 Studies, 印第安纳卫斯理大学
  • 牧师. Gregory Dyson, special assistant to the president for Intercultural Initiatives, Taylor University
  • 安德森大学文化资源中心主任Michael Thigpen说
  • 牧师. 亚瑟·威尔逊,亨廷顿大学属灵生活系主任和校园牧师


  • 保罗·基南,联邦调查局,负责印第安纳波利斯地区办公室的特工
  • 罗德尼·卡明斯,麦迪逊县检察官
  • 斯科特·梅林格,麦迪逊县治安官
  • 詹姆斯·伯吉斯,安德森-麦迪逊有色人种协进会主席


  • 埃里克·黑德利,韦恩堡联队的主管
  • Goshen市长Jeremy Stutsman说
  • 小吉尔伯托·佩雷斯.他是歌珊学院的教务长,也是歌珊市的议员


戴夫·麦克法登总统, President@曼彻斯特.edu, 260-417-5061
社会工作助理教授Alicia Dailey, aldailey@曼彻斯特.edu
顾问主任玛拉·扬鲍尔, MLYoungbauer@曼彻斯特.edu
学生多样性和包容性助理主任Maegan Pollonais, mdpollonais@曼彻斯特.edu
负责学生生活的副校长Abby Van Vlerah, ALVanVlerah@曼彻斯特.edu


十大网赌正规网址在北曼彻斯特和印第安纳州韦恩堡设有校区.提供充满活力和变革的学生体验. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.曼彻斯特.edu/about-Manchester

十大网赌正规网址 respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, 富有成效和富有同情心的生活,改善人类的状况.
