

  • 日期: 2024年5月12日至12日


5月12日,在印第安纳州沃巴什的霍尼韦尔中心,庆祝动物与自然. It features “Wood Notes” by African-American composer William Grant Still; “And God Created Great Whales,” a symphonic poem for orchestra and recorded whale sounds by Alan Hovhaness; concertmaster Elizabeth Smith will perform the shimmering “The Lark Ascending” by Ralph Vaughan Williams; and the finale of the season is “Overture to Die Fledermaus” by Johann Strauss.

普通门票是20美元. 十大网赌正规网址的学生凭身份证免费入场, 教职员工, 18岁及以下的人也一样. 门票 www.manchestersymphonyorchestra.org. 他们也可以在门口购买.