From left: Tina 爱德华兹, 戴夫·麦克费登, 史蒂文·格里姆斯, 菲利普Spann, Allen Machielson and Raylene Rospond

1st Spartan Coin Recipient

Dear 曼彻斯特 社区,

大学安全 is proud to announce our first Spartan Coin recipient is 史蒂文·格里姆斯. This initiative is a way for the safety office to recognize students who excel in learning, 信仰, 服务, 完整性, diversity or community, or any combination of these. 

Steven demonstrated 完整性, 服务 and community when he turned in to the safety office a valuable item that someone had lost. Losing the item could have caused many financial problems for the owner.

“I would want someone to do it for me,” Steven said when he turned in the lost item. That is a sentiment I think we should all strive to incorporate into our lives. Steven had nothing to gain by this gesture and, in fact, made a sacrifice to do it.

We presented Steven with the Spartan Coin and a Spartan Coin Certificate in the office of President 戴夫·麦克费登. Also attending were Raylene Rospond, vice president for academic and student affairs, 和艾伦·麦克尔森, dean of student experience.  Steven will receive coupons redeemable at locations across campus and also will be allowed to pick his reserved parking space for next semester.

Please join me in congratulating Steven, our first Spartan Coin recipient. We look forward to recognizing many more honorable acts in the future.

蒂娜L. 爱德华兹
Director of 大学安全