MU wins social media awards

曼彻斯特 University has won two Greater Fort 韦恩 Business Weekly 2017 Northeast Indiana Business Excellence Awards categories: Best Use of 脸谱网 and Best Use of Pinterest.

艾丽卡Graphman艾丽卡Graphman ’15 is MU’s social media coordinator.

曼彻斯特 will be honored at a special awards dinner on Thursday, Nov. 2 at the Memorial Coliseum Conference Center in Fort 韦恩.

Those who wish to attend can purchase tickets for $50 each by visiting fwbusiness.Com下 事件选项卡. Free tickets may be available. 合同 安妮·格雷戈里.

Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m., with dinner and awards starting about 6:15 p.m.

曼彻斯特 University, along with the other Business Excellence honorees, will be featured in the Greater Fort 韦恩 Business Weekly 十一月版. 3.

看看MU的 社交媒体中心.