
曼彻斯特 seeks candidates for endowed Peace Studies professorship


位置: 缪尔和平研究教授 
部门: 和平研究计划 
校园: 北曼彻斯特,印第安纳州 

工作职责: The Peace Studies program invites applications for the position of Gladdys 缪尔和平研究教授 at the Associate Professor or Professor rank depending upon qualifications. This is a full-time, tenure track position that will begin in Fall of 2017. The program seeks a person with a strong commitment to, 并在, undergraduate teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration. 

十大网赌正规网址 is home to the world’s first undergraduate peace studies program, 成立于1948年.  The program is grounded on commitments to nonviolence, 促进人权, and an international system congenial to just peace.  It is coordinated by a council of 教师 from across the academic disciplines.  


  • Teach eighteen semester hours per academic year (typically six courses), including courses for program majors and for the University’s general education program. This includes a January term course which may be taught as an off-campus travel course.
  • Teach upper level courses in the candidate’s area of specialization, as well as introductory courses in peace studies and conflict resolution.
  • Serve as an academic advisor and actively participate in 教师 governance, including meeting attendance at college and 部门al levels as well as committee meetings.
  • Pursuance of an active research agenda.
  • Serve as co-editor of the Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace.
  • 保持专业效率, including an active interest in scholarship; intellectual integrity; professionalism; cooperation in all phases of the academic program; incorporation of current best practices in teaching; and above all, 对学生学习的重要兴趣.
  • Meeting assigned classes at the scheduled locations and for the scheduled durations
  • Directing and attending non-class activities, as appropriate
  • 参与学院管理, including attending meetings—full 教师, 部门, 部门, and committee—and fulfilling attendant responsibilities
  • 制定课程大纲
  • Administering examinations and assessing student learning
  • Working in a professional, collegial and team-oriented manner with the University community
  • Maintaining compliance with policies and procedures in the 教师 Manual 


  • Ph.D. by time of appointment in peace studies or a related field
  • The disciplinary specialization for this position is open but we particularly encourage applications from scholars with a commitment to strategic peacebuilding within the context of interdisciplinary teaching and research. 专业领域可能包括, 但不限于, 非暴力冲突转变, strategies for creating and supporting quality peace, 恢复性和过渡性司法, interpersonal and community dispute resolution, 可持续发展. 
  • Interest in teaching in the First Year Seminar program (a writing-intensive course on topics of the instructor’s choosing) is desirable.
  • 有教学经验者优先
    Demonstrated commitment to interdisciplinary approaches and undergraduate liberal arts education
  • 有效的演讲技巧
  • Effective organizational and administrative skills
  • Ability to deliver course content and to assist students in understanding course content
  • Ability to evaluate student writing and to provide effective feedback
  • Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing with students, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理员
  • Ability to adapt to changing teaching and learning environments and content-delivery methods
  • Ability to work cooperatively with colleagues, in the best interests of the students
  • Ability to prioritize responsibilities, 满足最后期限, and respond to students’ legitimate needs in a timely manner
  • Ability and willingness to work with students of all skill levels and academic backgrounds
  • Ability and willingness to perform clerical work for oneself, as necessary
  • Basic leadership, budgetary and supervisory skills
  • Proficient in spoken and written English
  • Basic computer proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, e-mail and internet use

工作安排: Onsite classes are generally scheduled between 8 AM and 5 PM.  Some classes, seminars, events and/or meetings may be scheduled in the evening or on the weekend.

我们提供: We offer competitive pay and the opportunity to serve in a dynamic educational environment committed to graduating persons of ability and conviction. We are consistently ranked as an Honor Roll Great College to Work For by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

应用:  We seek a candidate with a commitment to working effectively with students, 教师, 员工来自不同的背景. Review of applications will begin October 15, 2016, and will continue until the position is filled. 提交成绩单, 三封推荐信, CV, 教学理念, 以及有效教学的证据:


Due to limited attachment space, please upload a cover letter and curriculum vita/resume only.  邮件记录, 教学理念, 有效教学的证据, 还有三封推荐信 jnsteele@曼彻斯特.edu.  

十大网赌正规网址 is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants who further diversify our 教师 and 工作人员 are warmly welcome.