Center for Environmental Resilience and Social Engagement

A collaboration established by Manchester's historic interdisciplinary programs

Environmental Studies / Peace Studies

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The Center for Environmental Resilience and Social Engagement (CERSE) is a cross-campus faculty initiative, shaped by Manchester's mission statement and understanding of the importance of the liberal arts in service to the world.  CERSE courses, projects, and programs emphasize interdisciplinary perspectives, moral frameworks, and community engagement to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to confront environmental and social challenges and to build just and resilient ecological and human communities.


Current CERSE projects include:

  • Values, Ideas, and Arts convocations devoted to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • implementing a grant from Duke Energy to develop a foodscape on the North Manchester campus
  • experiential education opportunities for students and alumni to explore issues of environmental justice
  • work with the Miami Nation of Indiana to affirm historic connections and explore restorative justice measures
  • connections with local organizations devoted to addressing food insecurity
  • a partnership with Joyfield Farm, an intentional community devoted to peacebuilding and principled environmental practices
  • a study of local wasp populations that includes public education, monitoring of nests of native and invasive species, and non-toxic wasp collection to support venom immunotherapy programs
  • working with community organizations on environmental education programs 

For more information on the Center for Environmental Resilience and Social Engagement, contact Katy Gray Brown, professor of philosophy and peace studies and director of the Peace Studies Institute, at