品牌工具包 - 品牌信息


曼彻斯特’s brand identity is central to all marketing communications. Staying true to our brand means delivering messages that are authentic to who we are and with a consistency that builds familiarity and stronger recognition for the University.

曼彻斯特’s brand identity is focused through a set of “brand lenses,” or attributes that best define the University. The five brand lenses that define 曼彻斯特 are:

  • 社区
  • 增长
  • 亲密
  • 安然无恙
  • 卓越

在这个系统中, each brand lens branches out to expanded messaging points, 或“维,” that help to focus our messaging more succinctly. Through this set of lenses and dimensions, we can make an emotional connection when we tell 曼彻斯特’s story in a way that’s authentic and consistent.

Brand Lens Flashcards

(Download flashcards in .pdf格式)
Use our brand lens flashcards to connect 曼彻斯特 facts to brand attributes. Each card represents a brand lens and its dimensions. Under each dimension, a proof point is listed as an active example of this attributes as it happens at 曼彻斯特. To add brand relevance to your messaging, consider the facts that are told in 曼彻斯特 stories as proof points. Decide which lens and dimension best connects to your proof point and add this relevance to your story.

Example 1 proof point:

曼彻斯特 学生, faculty and staff contribute more than 25,000 hours of service annually to our local community and beyond.

While this is an impressive fact, it’s left up to the reader to decide why it’s relevant and what it means about 曼彻斯特. Consider how you might qualify this message looking through the 社区 lens and Participation dimension.

Example 1 with brand relevance:

曼彻斯特 学生 develop a desire to contribute, and they find their voice and build confidence through participating in service to their communities. 事实上, 学生, faculty and staff contribute more than 25,000 hours of service annually to our local community and beyond.

In this example, the reader gains a better understanding of what it’s like to be a 曼彻斯特 student, and why performing service work to their communities is important.

Example 2 proof point:

曼彻斯特 学生 have the opportunity to study abroad during January session.

Example 2 with brand relevance (卓越 lens and Rich Experiences dimension):

January session is an opportunity for 曼彻斯特 学生 to study abroad, providing a hands-on, immersive experience – an example of how 曼彻斯特 equips 学生 to lead through academic excellence.

In this example, relevance is given to the experience as it relates to benefits for the student, as well as how 曼彻斯特 provides excellence in education.

When messaging is delivered with this type of relevance and consistency, our audiences develop a better understanding about the true 曼彻斯特 experience and can more easily create an emotional bond with the University.

Brand Lens Flashcards
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Brand lens message maps - 社区
Brand lens message maps - 增长
Brand lens message maps - 亲密
Brand lens message maps - 安然无恙
Brand lens message maps - 卓越