About 曼彻斯特

资源 for Respondents

Repot it Button

A "respondent" or "responding party" is someone designated to respond to a report submitted to the 第九条 Team. 一般, the Respondent is someone alleged to be responsible for behavior that is in violation of the university's 第九条 Sexual Harassment Policy.

If a member of the 第九条 Team contacts you, it is important to keep in mind that they are not taking action at that time, but rather would like to meet with you to follow-up on the report and further discuss the situation. When you meet with 第九条 Coordinator or designee  initially, you will not be required to provide a response or any information that day, but will instead be given time to prepare and submit your response to the report at a later date.

A respondent is presumed to be not responsible throughout the process until, 如果, a preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that the Respondent violated the Policy. 

Types of Support Available

The following types of support are available to students. These are general examples and is not an exhaustive list:

  • Emotional, mental health, and general counseling support;
  • Medical support;
  • Information about the University’s investigation and conduct processes;
  • Information about restraining orders and no-contact orders;
  • Information about the process for obtaining an interim suspension of responding party(s);
  • Information about academic accommodations, such as a change in one’s academic schedule or accommodations related to timing of class requirements.
  • Information about non-academic accommodations, such as a change in on-campus work schedule and alternative housing options.
  • Information about other on-campus or off-campus resources.

Visit or call 曼彻斯特 University Counseling Service
Director April White

  • This service is available to all students on and off campus.
  • All Counseling services are free*
  • 保密

Contact the University’s 第九条 Coordinator
简•韦伯 第九条 Coordinator

Contact the 第九条 Coordinator to make a request for a supportive measure. A student can request a measure even if he or she chooses not to move forward with an investigation.

Measures include:

  • No-contact orders
  • Access to counseling services
  • 就业
  • Transportation
  • Academic flexibility
  • Residence hall reassignment
  • Policy/Process Information

点击 在这里 for the 第九条 Policy

University Safety
For emergencies, please dial 260-982-5999 or 911.
For the 保密 Tip Line, please dial 260-982-5995.
To report a crime, please call the on duty officer at 260-982-5999. The officer will take a statement from you and follow up on your information.

点击 在这里 for more information about University Safety.

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