

  1. 我能获得十大网赌正规网址的全额奖学金吗?
    The International Student Scholarship will cover a portion of the cost of tuition only. 剩余的学费, 住房, 食物计划, 费用由学生和他/她的经济赞助商承担. 曼彻斯特 does not provide full scholarships to any of its international students.

  2. 我是一个很好的运动员. 我能得到体育奖学金吗?
    曼彻斯特 has NCAA Division III athletic status and does not offer athletic scholarships to any enrolled students. The International Student Scholarship is based upon your academic achievement in secondary school, 大学(如果转学), 以及SAT等标准考试, 托福考试, 或雅思.

  3. If my grades are exceptionally good at 曼彻斯特, will I get a larger scholarship?
    Your scholarship will not be increased during your four years at 曼彻斯特. It will remain the same percent年龄 of the cost of tuition as when you were accepted. 这将吸收每年增加的部分学费, but your financial sponsors also will need to increase their support each year.  成本的年平均增长率在5%到7%之间.

  4. 什么是SEVIS系统?
    SEVIS是 学生和交流访问学者信息系统. 它是一个U.S. 政府 reporting and monitoring system for tracking international students and visitors coming into the United States. As a SEVIS school, 十大网赌正规网址 is legally bound to abide by all U.S. 关于国际学生跟踪和报告的规定.

  5. 我到达曼彻斯特校园后可以转到另一所学院吗?
    在学生转到另一所学院或大学之前, we must have proof of acceptance and contact by the university to which you are transferring. You must physically be present on 曼彻斯特’s campus before we can initiate transfer to another university.

  6. 我可以从另一所学校转学到曼彻斯特吗?
    从美国以外的大学转学到曼彻斯特.S. 我们要求, 除了正常的入学文件, 为我们的档案准备一份英文原文. You also must have your transcript evaluated by World Education Services (www.韦斯.org)或国际教育评估机构(www.educei.com)来决定哪些学分可以转移到曼彻斯特. 如果你的大学在美国.S. we must have an official transcript and a completed Transfer Student Information sheet from the appropriate department at your university which we will send them.

  7. 我可以按月支付学费吗?
    所有一年级学生必须支付秋季学期学费的余额, 住房 and fees charges upon receipt of the estimate sent by the 招生 Office by Aug. 1月1日.第二学期15美元. 在随后的几年里,秋季学期的账单将于8月10日到期. 春季学期的学费在1月5日截止. 15. 在学生的第一年之后, they can work with Student Financial Services to set up a monthly payment plan. 

  8. 我可以在校外工作吗?
    根据U.S. 政府规定, a student must attend a college or university for a full academic year before requesting a work permit for off-campus employment. The most common reason for off-campus employment is “Economic Hardship” which must be substantiated by the Director of Multicultural Services before being submitted through the SEVIS system. 然后,新的I-20和所有文件必须发送到美国.S. 政府. It usually takes three to four months for the decision to approve or deny the request.  你必须每年重新申请. 这涉及一笔可观的费用.

  9. 什么是社会安全号码?
    Each person who is employed in the United States must have a Social 安全 number for reporting income to the federal and state 政府s. It is an identifying number you also will need to apply for a driver’s license,and  get a job. 有些银行需要这些信息才能开户.  The Office of Multicultural Services will take you to the Social 安全 office after you have lined up an on-campus job and help you obtain a card.

  10. 我该怎么称呼我的教授?
    大多数教授都被称为博士. 或者教授后面跟着他们的姓.  At 曼彻斯特, however, many professors are more comfortable by being addressed by their first names. Usually they will tell you in your first few classes how they prefer to be addressed.

  11. 我必须住在校园里吗?
    All students at 曼彻斯特 must live on campus until their senior year and use one of the campus meal plans. 曼彻斯特 has five residence halls and costs vary depending on the amenities in each. 请参阅 学杂费. 选择住在校外的国际学生, 会损失大约25%的奖学金. 

  12. 我必须是基督徒才能去曼彻斯特吗?
    曼彻斯特不以国籍或种族为基础进行歧视, 比赛, color, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 宗教, 残疾, 或者在招生或校园生活的任何领域都是资深人士. 我们尊重所有的信仰.

  13. 完成学士学位需要多少年?
    Traditionally, liberal arts college students take four years to complete a bachelor’s degree. 一些研究领域提供两年制副学士学位. 如果你打算继续攻读硕士和/或博士学位.D.在美国,你首先必须完成学士学位. Pre-pharmacy students may apply to our College of Pharmacy after completing two years of pre-pharmacy courses.

  14. 你们提供ESL(英语作为第二语言)课程吗?
    曼彻斯特 does not offer English langu年龄 instruction for international students. 被录取的学生必须精通阅读, 理解, 说话, 用地道的英语写作. Students whose langu年龄 of instruction has been English must submit original test scores from the SAT Reasoning Test. Students who have not been taught in English for three to four years must submit original test scores from the 托福考试, 雅思考试, Pearson PTE或STEP Eiken语言考试.

  15. 我能在曼彻斯特找份工作吗?
    一年级学生可以找到校内工作. Information about job searching will be shared during new student orientation. Job descriptions are available, and applications are made through the Career Services website. 实习可以为你的专业提供实际应用,  may be on or off campus and can be arranged through the Office of Career Services. International students must take Curricular Practical Training (CPT) time to do these type of internships and go through the prescribed procedures with the advice of the Director of Multicultural Services.

  16. 我从曼彻斯特毕业后的工作怎么办?
    想要在美国工作的国际学生.S. after graduation must apply for OPT (Optional Practical Training) several months prior to graduation. This requires extensive research and paperwork in addition to a fee to the U.S. 政府与申请.  一旦你被批准并从美国收到你的EAD卡.S. 政府, you may work in a business or location appropriate for your major for up to 12 months. The Office of Multicultural Services and the Office of Career Services will help you with the job-hunting process and paperwork to to get your OPT assignment and application completed.

  17. I want to attend The University of 曼彻斯特 located in the United Kingdom. 我怎么联系他们?
    在这里 is the link to the International 招生 webp年龄 for The University of 曼彻斯特. 你也可以填写一张问询表,让他们的办公室联系你 在这里. We do not have any affiliation with The University of 曼彻斯特 so are unable to provide further detail than that.


我们希望你能来拜访我们 在人,但如果没有,请看看我们的虚拟之旅.
