FALL 2011  

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Alumni Poll

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Please share your additional comments or other Manchester Memories
Your first name
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Class year
Email address

Poll results from last issue

Where did you study for exams?
Thanks for your response to the last poll. Here are the results:

  • Library - 25%
  • My room - 50%
  • Class building - 21%
  • Union - 0

Here's a sampling of additional comments received:

  • Beth Joseph, Class of '01:
    "I apologize for the library books left behind with drool marks. The little upstairs study rooms were my favorite place to study, but also to nap."

  • Sam McFadden, Class of '08:
    "There were very few times in college when our suite in Helman or house off campus were quiet. Finals week was one time each semester when we could count on fewer distractions – especially if you waited until the middle of the night to study, like I did."

  • Judy Minnich Stout, Class of '68:
    "We were pushing for permission to enter the library in pants so I suspect that when I was not in the mood to put on a skirt or a dress, I chose to study elsewhere. But the library was my favorite place to study."

  • Malika Adam, Class of '10:
    "I remember spending late nights at the library, studying for exams. It's a great environment to study – day or night! Security always pops in during the night to make sure everyone's safe!"

  • John Kendall, Class of '67:
    "Empty classrooms. Science library."

Look for more poll results, comments and alumni memories
in the next issue of @manchester.





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Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) | alumnioffice@wbs88.net