

珍妮弗一. 坎贝尔,制药.D.,气道


Dr. 坎贝尔于2013年6月加入Pharmacy Program. Dr. 坎贝尔在普渡大学(Purdue University)获得了药学博士学位,并在St. 伊丽莎白医学中心/波士顿东北大学. 她曾任职于位于奥马哈的克莱顿大学药学院和位于奥克伍德的阿巴拉契亚药学院, 维吉尼亚州.


  • 教与学奖学金, 特别是与实验室和综合医学相关的(包括健康改善)


  • 汉密尔顿WR,帕德龙弗吉尼亚州,坎贝尔JA. 第44章:在大教室和远程环境中吸引学生. 见:王文祥主编. 国际教育和下一代劳动力:全球经济中的竞争. IGI Global -已接受,预计2013年发布
  • 张建军,张建军,张建军. 弗吉尼亚州布坎南县制药业面临的主要挑战:一项试点研究. 农村和偏远地区卫生. 12: 2125. (在线)2012. 可用: http://www.rrh.org.au
  • 张建军,张建军,张建军. 药学学生对教学课程中主动学习的看法. 药学教学的发展趋势. 2012年10月1日;4(1):273-277. DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2012.06.002)


  • 美国药学教育杂志 2010年至今
  • 美国药剂师协会杂志 2012年至今
  • 美国药学院协会
  • 年会海报摘要 2010, 2012, 2013
  • 海报, “Impact of Pharmacy Skills Lab 3 on Student Perceived Self-efficacy of Core Curricular Topics” Contributed; Annual; AACP; Chicago, IL, USA; July 2013
  • 海报; “Assessment of Pharmacy Students’ Confidence and Knowledge in a Patient Assessment Course” Contributed; Annual; AACP; Kissimmee, FL, USA; July 2012
  • 海报; “Development and Implementation of a Process to Qualitatively and Quantitatively Assess Student Initiated 社区 Service 事件” Contributed; Annual; AACP; San Antonio, TX, USA; July 2011
  • 海报; “Complementary and Integrative Medicine: Developing and Assessing a Hands-on Elective Course of Complementary and Alternative Medicine” Contributed; Annual; AACP; San Antonio, TX, USA; July 2011
  • 海报; “Opinions of Appalachian College of Pharmacy Students toward Active Learning in the Didactic Curriculum” Contributed; Annual; AACP; San Antonio, TX, USA; July 2011
  • Roundtable Facilitator; “Service Learning and 社区 Service: Enhancing student attitudes toward social/civic responsibility.” Voluntarily Contributed; Annual; AACP; San Antonio, TX, USA; July 2011
  • Roundtable Facilitator; “Effective 社区 Service and Service Learning 活动: How do we engender in our students a feeling of professional responsibility toward the community?” Voluntarily Contributed; Annual; AACP; San Antonio, TX, USA; July 2011
  • 海报; “Pharmacists in 社区 Service (PICS): Assessing the Direct and Indirect Impact of PICS” Contributed; Annual; AACP; Seattle, WA, USA; July 2010
  • 海报; “Integration of Service Based Pharmacy Experiences into the 药学博士 Curriculum in Rural Appalachia” Contributed; Annual; AACP; Seattle, WA, USA; July 20


  • 阿巴拉契亚药学院:年度学生组织顾问奖 2012
  • 阿巴拉契亚药学院:优秀导师奖 2010
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